Hallaton to Horninghold and Fearn Farm 3.5 miles (5km)
New footpath bridge & steps at Hallaton 2011
A walk through the wide open spaces of east Leicestershire with good views and two interesting villages. The hills are mainly downhill!
Hallaton, one of Leicestershire’s prettiest villages is worth a leisurely stop. The High Street leads past the old conical butter cross. The church (described by Pevsner as one of the most imposing in the county) stands at the far end of village. There is an excellent Norman tympanum, now in the porch, of St Michael and the dragon and much of interest inside and out.
Horninghold has an interesting church with a Norman doorway. Much of the village was created as a model village in the early part of the 20th century. (Note the initials of Thomas Hardcastle who was responsible for the new buildings.) There are many large well-kept houses in beautiful grounds.
Please read the introduction to the original book updated for the web published walks.
The written description and map is a .pdf file which you can print and take with you on the walk.
Download walk 13 here (.pdf file 200kb)
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