Walks Programme
We have a large programme of walks throughout Leicestershire and occasionally further afield. We have weekly walks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and also walk most Saturdays.
Although our membership fee is kept low, we do cordially invite you to join us free of charge for a trial walk or two.
Please scroll down for the full programme.
Walkers Code of Conduct
Please car share where possible and park considerately.
Named leaders unable to lead their walk should try to find a substitute leader. If unsuccessful, they should contact the relevant walk organiser to discuss alternative arrangements.
Dogs are permitted on walks but should be kept on a short lead at all times.
Please stay behind the leader and so not leave the walk without informing them.
Close gates behind you!
Ensure those behind you do not lose contact, especially in woods and villages.
Walks are open to non-members but they will be expected to join after three walks.
Annual subscription are due on the 1st January. Please contact the membership secretary for details.
Walk Information
Unless otherwise stated, walks are circular. Please arrive at 9:30 am for a 10 am start.
Saturday walks are about 8/9 miles and start from the parish church unless stated otherwise.
Contact the walk leader for additional details should you need them.
Mid-week short walks are 5-6 miles. The walks will usually start and finish at a pub where most members will grab a meal after the walk. Wednesday long walks are around 7-8 miles and start at 9:45 am. On Tuesdays, there may be some who choose a shorter walk of 2-3 miles starts from the same place and time as the Tuesday walk.
For mid-week short and Wednesday long walks, an optional pub lunch is arranged after the walk.
Saturday walkers provide their own refreshments.