Somerby and Owston 5 miles (8km)
A very pleasant walk through rolling hill farm and pasture land of east Leicestershire, a landscape of small grass fields and low hills, well waymarked, with no difficult stiles.
Somerby The Three Crowns Inn (now closed)
Somerby village is full of interest. There are beautiful ironstone houses and an impressive rectory and a lovely church with an interesting graveyard. (Look for the stone of Dr Benjamin Richardson, famous for the speed of his operations, in the days before anaesthetics when this was a vital factor.)
Owston is a tiny hamlet, once the site of an important Augustinian abbey founded in 1161. The evidence remains as humps and hollows in the fields near the church.
Please read the introduction to the original book updated for the web published walks.
The written description and map is a .pdf file which you can print and take with you on the walk.
Download walk 10 here (.pdf file 200kb)
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