The Leicestershire & Rutland Invasive and Non-native Species Initiative (LINNSI) is looking for recruits to assist with gathering data. This relatively new initiative is dedicated to the survey, education and management of the impact of INNS on our environment.
The group is looking for people who perhaps already regularly walk or ride footpaths and bridleways in the County and could record any INNS sightings they may encounter on their regular outings. Full ID training would be provided and it is hoped that this would be a simple additional ask to record any sightings on the dedicated project page. It would really help to monitor the distribution of problematic species and plan future management activity etc.
If you would like to assist yourself or can pass this information on to anyone whom you think would be interested that would be excellent. To find out more please email:
Kind Regards,
Ellen Senior
Access Officer,
Safe and Sustainable Travel Team
Leicestershire County Council